On a Linkedin College Program Alumni Page I asked almuni "If you could go back, what advice would you give yourself?" Here are my first three reponses:
"The program was one of the best experiences that I have had. My internship required me to participate and seek out aspects of the business that were not part of my day to day job. For example, I worked in a shop but was able to spend time with the visual department for the park. Seeing these other aspects helped me understand the business from a bigger scope. I would also ask to work in other areas of the park for the added experience. One a fun note, take a camera, spend your free time enjoying your new friends and the parks!"
"I cannot stress enough the importance of taking at least one of the free classes offered to College Program participants. I was part of the pilot program for the Leadership Exploration Series. Through this class, I had the opportunity to meet the "Who's Who" running Disney. Several offered to write recommendation letters for me. The experience is invaluable. The classes are short and typically once a week. Take advantage of them! One thing that I would advise doing that I had neglected to do is to keep up your seasonal status. At the end of your program, you will be labeled seasonal in the system. You will be able to call and schedule to work seasonally. When this runs out, you'll no longer be in the system. If you should want to go back, you'll have to reapply all over again (or in my case, re-audition for Entertainment). Don't make the same mistake I did! I certainly regret not keeping up with my seasonal status. Good luck and have fun!"
"Surprisingly Amanda, the same advice I knew and gave myself back then which is what I also heard from CP Alumni - make the most of all that the experience has to offer! Don't limit yourself to just the work (earning), education (learning), or housing (living) components. If you're passionate about the Company and want to pursue a career with Disney, network. Learn best practices from Leaders and your future peers. Find a mentor who will take the time to develop you & give you honest feedback. Get involved in what we call the "Disney Difference" offerings - volunteer in the Central FL community, join a diversity or Cast Activities group, etc. Definitely make time for fun & friendships (I still have fond memories and close friends eight years later), but take advantage of all the opportunities the internship programs have to offer. I promise you won't regret it. "
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